Parent-Child Program
for children ages 1-5 and their caregivers
Child-led, nature-based, heart-centered approach
We believe every child is born whole and complete with their own unique gifts to share with the world. Our desire is to keep each child’s inner spark aflame as we cultivate sacred containers for authentic self expression. We encourage each child to explore their own inner depths and find ways to connect with others and be fully expressed.
Our play-based parent-child classes are designed for young children and their caregivers with an emphasis on building social-emotional skills and forming connections with the natural world. Classes meet for a 14-week fall session on Wednesdays 10:30am-12:30pm.
We begin our class with free play.
Little bodies have time to move and explore.
This is a magical time where ideas are tried and tested and lots of learning happens.
Then we transition to the morning circle where our more structured activities take place.
During this time, we engage in music and movement activities. We use hand rhymes, interactive stories, and cooperative games to explore our senses and spatial awareness.
After circle time, we gather for a snack and listen to stories with themes of nature and emotional awareness to learn about the natural world and explore interactions between friends.
We then transition to hands-on, creative activities, such as crafts, paintings, experiments, and sensory play.
Daily Rhythm
Some days we hike and explore the beautiful trails of the Ashram.
We end class with some more free play followed by parachute time and a goodbye song.
Admissions Process
Interested to learn more about our program or ready to apply?
Send an email to request a link to a recording of our most recent virtual information session and our current price list. We also offer in-person open houses several times per year, usually in the weeks before our spring and fall sessions.
When you are ready to submit a formal application, please contact us by email at rootsandwingsvillage@gmail.com. If there is space available in the program, we will send an invoice for our non-refundable registration fee to reserve your family’s spot.